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OHSU Digital Collections

Everything you need to know about submitting works to OHSU's institutional repository

Best Practices

You must be logged into the digital collections system in order to submit your work using the Submission Forms.


The Library requires that OHSU students submit an electronic copy of their master’s thesis, doctoral dissertation, capstone, or portfolio for ingest in the library digital collections. Unless a delayed release (embargo) is requested as outlined in the instructions below, they will be available in the Student Work digital collection within two weeks after they are submitted. Please be aware that the library does not utilize any binding services and no longer accepts print copies of these works.


Best Practices for Document Submission:

  • Please submit your work (master’s thesis, doctoral dissertation, capstone project, or portfolio) at least two weeks before signed forms are due to the Graduate Office to ensure timely processing.

    • The typical turnaround time is 1-2 business days.
    • Factors such as a high volume of submissions at the end of each term, holiday hours, and modified operations may affect the speed of submission processing. Please plan accordingly when possible.
  • Use the Electronic Theses and Dissertations Form to submit a PDF of your work to the OHSU Library. (See the submission instructions below.
  • Please know the library does not require a signature page. However, your department may still need the original signature page.
  • Before submitting your work, please ensure that any protected health Information (PHI), as well as any other sensitive or privileged information, has been redacted. For more information about PHI, please see the Protected Health Information portion of this LibGuide.
  • Other files, such as audio, video, or images, may also be uploaded.
  • For formatting rules, guidelines, or for any additional requirements please refer to your school or department for more information.

Submission Guidelines

  • The instructions on this page will take you step-by-step through the most basic workflow for self-submitting your work using the Theses and Dissertation Submission Form.
  • The form collects information about you, the work, and the people and organizations involved in the creation of the work.
  • See the Before You Submit section of this guide for more information about what details you need to collect prior to submitting.
  • If a question in the form is not relevant to your work (and it is not a required field), please leave the answer blank.

Logging In & Accessing the Form


  1. Navigate to the OHSU Digital Collections homepage.
  2. Selecting the Login button from the Digital Collections homepage.

Logging in to Digital Collections homepage


  1. Next, click on the blue login button and then use your OHSU credentials to sign into the system through Single Sign On (SSO).

Blue login button            OHSU Single Sign On


  1. Once you have successfully logged in to the system, hover over the Submit tab at the top of the screen and select "Electronic Theses and Dissertations” to launch the self-submission form.

People & Organizations

Contact Information:

In this section, please tell us about the people and organizations involved in the creation of this work, starting with the primary author's contact information. Please enter a non-OHSU email or phone number in case the digital collections team needs to contact you in the future about your work. Use the plus sign to add additional contact information.

  • Note: This information will not appear in the digital collection entry.Contact Information

Academic Program:

Use the pull-down menu to select your Academic Program from the list of options.


Degree Awarded:

Use the pull-down menu to select your Degree Awarded from the list of options. You may use the plus sign to add additional degree information.



OHSU School:

  1. Next, for the primary author only, use the quick lookup to choose the appropriate OHSU School affiliation.


  • The “Identifier” will auto-populate with a number after selection.
  • And you may use the plus sign to add additional school information for the primary author


School Identifier number

OHSU Department, Center, or Institute:

In the OHSU Department, Center, or Institute field, use the quick lookup to select the appropriate option or options for the Primary author.

  • The “Identifier” will auto-populate with a number after selection.


Primary Author(s):

Please list the authors of this work in the order they appear on the work. In this context, any person or persons who have contributed to the research, design, analysis, and final delivery of the work, and whose name should appear in the work's citation, are regarded as authors.

  1. Enter the primary author’s name in Last, First order in the field provided
  2. In the next field provided, begin typing the Institutional Affiliation of the primary author. For example, Oregon Health and Science University. And use the pull-down menu to select the appropriate option.  
  • Notice the “Affiliation Identifier” will then auto-populate with a number.
  1. Next, enter an ORCID iD for the primary author, if available
  2. To add co-authors, use the plus sign and repeat the previous steps above

Author Information



Individual/Organizational contributor(s):       

Enter the name(s) of all other persons or organizations who contributed to or aided with the creation of the work (I.e., technical and/or writing assistance). Contributors will not be included in the work's citation. Use the pulldown menu to choose whether this contributor is a Person or Organization and, if available, please include affiliation information, ORCID iDs, and contributor roles. For example: Academic Advisor, Committee Member, Editor, Mentor, etc.

  • Use the plus sign to add multiple individual contributors.

Adding contributor information

  • NOTE: Please make sure you have been given permission to include the names of any individuals who have contributed to this work before submitting.

Describe the Work

In the next section, you will be asked to describe the work. Please note that many of these fields are required as indicated by the red asterisk.

Work type*

Use the pull-down menu of options to select the most appropriate work type for your submissionChoose a work type

Digital Collection:

Use the pull-down menu to select the collection to which your work should belong. Please know, the default is "Theses and Dissertations".

Choose the digital collection




Enter the title of your work in the field provided using NLM style title case (capitalize only the first word and any proper nouns)For example:  Chiropractic management of pediatric plantar fasciitis: a case report

Add the title of the work


Enter a brief summary of the contents of your work in the text box provided.Add the abstract or description of the work

Publication date*

Enter or choose the publication date of the work using the year, month, day format. For works that have not been previously published, enter the creation date.


Select the language of the work from the list of available options.Choose language of work


Please enter at least one lowercase free-text keyword or key phrase that best describes the work. Use the plus sign to add multiple keywords.

Enter a keyword

Topical subjects (Optional field)

Use the quick lookup to search the Medical Subject Heading Terms (or MeSH Terms) that best describe what the work is about. 

Select topical subjects


To add multiple subject terms, use the plus sign. For help choosing subject terms, please refer to the descriptive keywords section of our Digital Collections LibGuide.

Add multiple topical subjects

Geographical subject

Use the quick lookup to select any geographical subject terms associated with the submission, if appropriate.Add geographic subjects


Use the publisher field to enter the name of the organization that published the work. For submissions of student and employee work, enter Oregon Health and Science University.

Add publisher information

Generate DOI*

Select "yes" if your work does not have an existing DOI. For more information about DOIs refer to the DOI section of the Digital Collections LibGuide.

generate a DOI for work


Use the notes text box to enter any other information that you would like us to know about your submission. Note, text added to this box will not appear in your final entry.

Add any additional information

Related Works Information

Related Works:

  1. For the optional Related Works section, please describe any resources that are supplementary or related to this submission. Note: please do not enter your Works Cited/Bibliography information into this section.
  •     Start by using the pull-down menu to select the Relation Type option that best describes the relationship between works
  •     If the related work has already been published elsewhere, please include a URL or DOI if available
  •     Next, use the pull-down menu to select the link Identifier type you used (URL or DOI) 
  1. Finally, copy and paste the entire citation of the related work into the Citation information text box provided.

Fill in information about related works


For multiple related works:

  • To add multiple related works, simply select the plus sign to add relationship information and add the next citation entry below the first in the text box, as seen below.
  • Repeat these steps for any additional work.


adding multiple related works

Event Information

For works that are part of an event, conference, or meeting, please use this next section to fill in any relevant information, including the Event Name, the hosting organization or institution, and the Year of the event. Please know this section is optional.


Enter event information

Funding and Support Information

For works that have received financial support, please use this next section to fill in any relevant information, including the Funding organization and the Award Number. Please know this section is optional.Enter Funding Information

Copyright & License Information

For this next section, please provide any relevant Copyright & Licensing Information about the work. Please note, all the following fields are required for submission.


Copyright Status*

What is the copyright status of your submission? Use the pull-down menu to choose the most appropriate option. See the Copyright Fundamentals section of our Copyright LibGuide for more information about copyright ownership:

Choose the copyright status if work


Reuse of third-party copyrighted materials*

Does your work reuse any third-party copyrighted materials? Use the pull-down menu to choose the most appropriate option and use the plus sign to select multiple options. See the Copyright Exemptions section of our Copyright Guide for more information about reusing third-party copyrighted materials.

Choose a reuse option

Licensing Information*

What type of license would you like to apply to your work? Use the pull-down menu to choose the most appropriate option or options.  

  • Unless otherwise specified, a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (CC BY 4.0) will be applied to your work, which will allow others to remix, transform, and build upon your work without asking your permission. Please see the Creative Commons website for more information about their licenses.  
  • Please know if the work's copyright is jointly owned, all owners must agree to apply the license. Do not select a license without the consent of all co-creators.  
  • If the work is in the public domain, please select Public Domain.  
  • If you cannot apply a license (for example, because the copyright is owned by another party), or you do not wish to apply a license, please select No License.

To learn more about this license and additional options, visit the Creative Commons website.  

If your work was previously published elsewhere, consult your publisher's guidelines.


Choose a license for your work

Deposit agreement*

Finally, select “I agree” from the pull-down menu to consent to the OHSU deposit agreement.

Deposit agreement

Uploading Document(s)

Select Document(s):

Finally, you are ready to upload your work! Please have your work ready to upload in a preservation file format. Do the following to upload your documents:

  • Please use the following file naming format:
    • Lastname.Firstname.YYYY


  • Click on the "Drop a file to upload" text area to open the file upload window 

Click here to browse files


  • Browse and select the file you want to upload and select “Open”

Browse Files


Edit file metadata:

Choose from the access options provided (Public, Restricted, or Embargo):

Choose access level


  • The Public option means that the document is made available for worldwide access immediately. This is the recommended option.
  • The Embargo Date option, means that access to the full-text of your work is restricted to the public for a period of time (typically 6 months - 5 years). During this time only the title, abstract, and citation information is available to the public. Please see the Embargo or Delayed Release section of this LibGuide for more detailed information about these options.
    • Choosing the embargo date option also requires that you select a date for the embargo to be lifted.


Choose Embargo Date:

And, once you have made your selection, press the "Confirm" button

Choose a release date


Edit and/or delete the file:

Click on the "Actions" menu to the right of the file name to access the file management tools.

Edit or delete file


Uploading Multiple Files:

If you would like to upload multiple files for this entry, simply click on the "Drop a file to upload" text area again and repeat the upload steps

    Note: Set the Access field to Restricted for any documentation uploaded related to the reuse of third-party copyrighted materials

Click here to browse files



When you are finished entering your information and uploading files, you can select "Submit" to send your work to the Digital Collections Team for review.  

Submit button

Submission Complete!


Successful Submission

You have successfully submitted your work! Now that your work has been submitted using the self-submit form, you can expect to receive an email from the OHSU Digital Collections Team confirming receipt.  

  • If further information is required, you will receive an email requesting clarification.  
  • If your work is accepted, you will receive another confirmation email.

For any questions, please email the Digital Collections Team at