
Data Visualization

A Picture is Worth 1,000 Words

Hans Rosling: The Best Stats You've Ever Seen

Optical Illusions Show How We See

Label Your Axis

Meme parodying rate of line growth to fake x and y axis. Cups of Coffee Consumed Increases Value Sarcasm and "Needs to Pee"

Best Data Viz Projects Online

Dear Data Letter

Dear Data was a year-long project by Stefanie Posavec and Giorgia Lupi. Each tracked everyday things during a week, such as how many times each picked up the phone, and then visualized the data on a postcard. Then they mailed the postcards to each other, with Lupi currently in New York and Posavec in London.

Science Isn't Broken: p-value Hack

Science Isn't Broken! Hack your way to scientific glory! FiveThirtyEight published a brilliant article about p-hacking to "scientifically" get the result you want from a dataset. Their conclusion - science isn't broken - it's just a lot harder than we give it credit for.

Vaccination Animation

In this amazing visualization, Rich Harris, Nadja Popovich and Kenton Powell for the Guardian showed what happens when counties don’t get kids vaccinated. The static image displays the final visualization - check out the link for the entire animation.