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Data Visualization

A Picture is Worth 1,000 Words

Welcome to Fundamentals of Data Visualization CE

Welcome to Fundamentals of Data Visualization!

0.  Introduction to the class

      *Individual Activity: Graph Thyself

      The Why, What, and How of Data Visualization

1.  Vision and the Brain

      How we see, how we process 

2.  Color

      This is amazing.  Seriously.

      *Pair and Share Activity: Visual Critique

3.  Toolbox

       Pre-attentive | Gestalt | Stats | Forms

      *Pair and Share Activity: Visual Critique Part II

4.  Storytelling

      How to tell a story with a visualization

5.  Bringing it to the Library

     With this foundation, how can we bring this to our libraries, and to our communities?

      * Hands on Excel activity

      * Group Activity: Brainstorm and Share


Course Description

Fundamentals of Data Visualization: 4 Hour Continuing Education Workshop

Certified by the Medical Library Association

Data is everywhere, but too often, its presentation is about as interesting as a wet dishrag. I believe that data can be engaging when presented with clarity and style. This talk will discuss the basic principles of good visual design. Along the way, I will present case studies on the good, the bad and the ugly in data visualization. A picture may be worth a thousand words, but excellent visualization of data is priceless.