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Data Visualization

A Picture is Worth 1,000 Words

About Jackie

Jackie Wirz is the Assistant Dean for Graduate Studetn Affairs, the Director of the Career & Professional Development Center, and an Assistant Professor at  Oregon Health & Science University. She earned her Ph.D. from Oregon Health & Science University in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology. Her research interests include information, data, and knowledge management, as well as the flow of scientific information. Jackie is a strong proponent of science outreach and has developed programs and grants designed to promote scientific, data and information literacy. Jackie believes in evolution, salted caramel buttercream and Jane Eyre.

Jackie Wirz, PhD
Assistant Dean, Graduate Student Affairs
Director, Career and Professional Development Center
Research Data Ninja | Assistant Professor
Oregon Health & Science University | 503.494.3443 | Mac 4158

Random Information

Coffee drink of choice: ristretto americano

Dessert choice: yes

Weight on Drivers License: 127

What the local gravitational constant g would have to equal for that to be true: 9.0918 m/s2

Wants to: write a book on the ethics of data visualization, and a call to action for scientists to be constantly Data Dilligent

Hopes to: raise her son to have a sense of wonder.  

Needs to: work on her time management skills.  And sleep.

Data Viz Class @ OHSU