Use the following links to find tutorials on using specific databases.
To find library materials, search the library catalog at OHSU and/or at PSU.
Both catalogs have basic and advanced search functions. Sometimes using an advanced search works better than a basic search, because it enables you to find library materials by multiple keywords, author, and/or by format (ebook, etc).
In Portland State WorldCat, you may see search results that indicate a book is available at Summit Libraries.
You can request these items directly from the catalog by clicking on the "request Summit item" button.
OHSU's catalog includes an option in the drop-down menu near the top of the screen to search both OHSU and Summit (the catalog for Northwest academic libraries).
Public Health includes a wide range of disciplines that calls on theory and information from the fields of medicine, social services, public affairs and policy, and statistics. Since public health is such a complex discipline, you will need to find a variety of good research databases that adequately cover the kinds of information you need to discover. There is no one perfect database for researching in Public Health.
Here are some steps that will help you.
3. Look at the Topics in Public Health tab of this guide for suggestions on databases related to common public health topics.
If you found an article in a database but you don't see full-text inlcuded, you will have to click on the button or the
button to see if the article is available in full-text. If the library has access to the article, it will take you to a page with a link to download the article.
If the article is not available, you will see other options, including the option to request the desired article through interlibrary loan. Click through these options from the top down, like a flow chart.