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OHSU-PSU Joint School of Public Health (OHSU)

This is the OHSU version of the OHSU-PSU School of Public Health program LibGuide, created by Emily Ford (PSU) and Laura Zeigen (OHSU)

Get Started

Seatbelt labeled in red "This is Public Health"

To use this guide, navigate by tabs on the left, or use the links below.

Library Specific Access - The nuts and bolts of what you need to know about using the libraries and computing in the libraries.

How to Use Library Resources - Find out how to find books, articles, and learn how to efficiently use databases.

Data Sources, Databases & Articles - Find links to the most popular public health disciplinary databases at both OHSU and PSU. Also find links to library subscribed and free data sources on the web. 

Citation Management - Find resources that will help you properly cite your work, and also manage the citations and articles you have found in the course of your research.

Topics in Public Health - Find the best places to expand your research on topical areas in the discipline of public health.