Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Teaching, learning, research and creative activities often involve the reuse and adaptation of others' work. OHSU community members are responsible for ensuring their use of copyrighted materials is compliant with US copyright law, as specified in OHSU Policy No. 12-70-005. Students may also learn about disciplinary actions for violating copyright in their student handbook.
This guide provides information about and recommendations for incorporating others’ work into your activities while remaining within the bounds of the OHSU copyright policy.
Nothing in this guide should be construed as legal advice.
External parties wishing to reuse or redistribute works for which OHSU owns the copyright should contact OHSU Technology Transfer to request permission. Technology Transfer handles various forms of intellectual property such as patents, copyrights on software and written works, and data. They will work with you and the creators of the work to arrange permissions and grant you the rights you need.