EndNote Online (formerly known as EndNote Web) is a tool allowing users to obtain citation information from any computer with internet access. The functionality and features are very similar to EndNote on your hard drive and includes features like attaching PDFs and citing while you write. In addition, EndNote libraries can be shared with other EndNote users via the online version.
You will need to do a couple of things before you can begin using EndNote Online. If you haven't already:
Prior to performing your first sync, make a back-up copy of your EndNote library.
Once you have a back-up copy of your EndNote library, proceed with performing the sync.
The sync feature can only be accessed from EndNote on your hard drive. The sync button is located on the library tools panel and looks like this on a Macintosh.
The sync button looks like this on a PC.
Alternatively, users can perform the sync function by going to Tools at the top of the page and selecting Sync.
Sync tips:
Manual entry and import of new references into your EndNote Online libraries follows the same guidelines for EndNote on your hard drive as outlined in previous tabs
Although it is possible to perform database searches directly through EndNote Online, this is not a recommended way to search as the results you get will be much more limited.
Attaching PDFs and figures to citations
The process of attaching PDFs to citations is less automated in EndNote Online compared to EndNote. To do this:
1. View your citations by selecting the "My References" tab in the menu bar.
2. Locate the citation of interest in the display list.
3. From this view, click the paper clip symbol in the last line to attach a PDF or the graph symbol to attach a figure.
4. Or select the citation to view details and click the paper clip symbol in the last line to attach a PDF or the graph symbol to attach a figure.
To insert citations into your text, create and format your bibliography using EndNote Online, first download and install the EndNote Online plug in (Options > Download Installers). You will see a few plug-in options under Cite While You Write™. Check system requirements and select from one of the following options. You will then be ready to insert citations into your manuscripts as outlined in the previous tabs for EndNote on your hard drive:
EndNote now allows users to share their libraries with up to 100 colleagues. Shared libraries can be opened and worked on by more than one person at a time, which is a great tool for collaborations. Sharing your library is simple, just click on the sharing icon in your library tools dashboard (or from File > Share) and enter the email addresses for the individuals you would like to share with.
A few tips regarding shared EndNote libraries: