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There are many subscription and free bibliographic citation management platforms. They allow for gathering and organization of citations (and attached full-text PDFs), and formatting citations and references in a paper (write-n-cite).   Here is an in-depth comparison of reference managers' features.

EndNote is a subscription tool offered by the OHSU Library. For information on how to download, set up, and use EndNote, go to the OHSU Library How to Get EndNote guide below. Features include:

  • seamless references upload from databases and the web
  • automatic full text search of Library and free resources.  
  • a one-click citation and document upload button (Mendeley Importer)
  • an automatic Word/Pages write-n-cite plugin
  • ability to sync between web, desktop 
  • ability to annotate PDFs
  • a web interface
  • some sharing and collaboration features
  • To learn more about EndNote, go to EndNote20 videos listed below.

Zotero is a free, open source citation management tool. Features include: 

  • a web interface
  • a desktop app 
  • a one-click citation and document upload button (Zotero Connector -- see below) or automatic harvesting of full text using Find Available PDFs. 
  • a built-in Word and LibreOffice write-n-cite plugin; a GoogleDocs plugin (automatic with Zotero Connector installation)
  • mobile apps -- including access to stored full text
  • sharing and collaboration features
  • ability to sync between web, desktop and mobile versions
  • 300 MB of free storage (you can pay to upgrade)


  • Create an account on the Zotero website. 
  • Download the desktop app.
  • The desktop app is where you can create your folders, select citations styles for bibliographies, etc. Once you have a bibliography in the desktop app, the Word plug-in, automatically installed with your Zotero desktop download, will enable you to access your saved articles and insert in-text citations as well as a bibliography in your selected citation style.
  • You can also simply copy and paste the bibliography into a document.
  • Zotero Connector allows for one click uploading of citations and articles from PubMed and many other sites/databases.
  • To set up automatic harvesting, go to Zotero desktop app Preferences, click on General, copy and paste this link in the Resolver line:  
  • Download Zotero mobile apps.
  • To learn more about Zotero, go to community-created Zotero tutorials.