We have updated our textbook listing system! You can now use our School of Nursing Textbooks dashboard to locate required and recommended texts.
Some tips for using the new dashboard:
For more information, please check out our video tutorial!
To fulfill requirements related to the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA), the OHSU Library requests and receives textbook lists each term from instructors and academic programs. We post the textbook lists on the Library's website, including textbook titles, ISBNs, and retail price when available.
To support affordable access to textbooks, the Library will try to purchase e-book versions of textbooks. However, many publishers will not sell or license electronic textbooks to libraries. In these cases, the Library tries to purchase one print copy of the textbook for short-term loans, but this cannot meet student textbook needs for the entire term.
The Library also works with faculty and academic programs to serve high-demand usage of additional types of course materials through our course reserves collection. Print course reserves are available for a limited check-out period and can be searched and reserved via the Library's catalog. More detailed information about Course Reserves is available on the Library's website.