Since 1997, the OHSU Oral History Program has conducted over 120 interviews with individuals who have contributed to university history. The subjects include OHSU employees and alumni, as well as legislators and policymakers. The oral history program is ongoing, and seeks to capture diverse perspectives on OHSU's contributions to health care, research, and education. OHSU Historical Collections & Archives directs the program with collaborative input from the university community.
Beginning in 2001, the Oregon Medical Education Foundation recorded interviews with notable figures in Oregon medical history. Archival copies of interviews are preserved in Historical Collections & Archives. Contact Historical Collections & Archives for an inventory of the collection, or for individual transcripts.
The Medical Library Association conducted interviews with Bertha Hallam, former OHSU Librarian, and Isabel McDonald, former librarian at Oregon National Primate Research Center. Contact Historical Collections & Archives for a transcript.
Another oral history interview with Isabel McDonald is available online from the OHSU Oral History Program.
For her research on the history of the department of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Katie Riley, Ed.D. recorded interviews with David S. Phillips, Ph.D.; Ralph Crawshaw, Ph.D.; Thomas M. Becker, Ph.D.; Donald F. Austin, M.D.; Beatrice K. Rose, M.D.; Mitch R. Greenlick, Ph.D.; Michael J. Garland, D.Sc.; and William E. Morton, M.D. Transcripts and recordings are preserved in Historical Collections & Archives. Contact Historical Collections & Archives for copies of transcripts.
For his research on the development of the Starr-Edwards heart valve, Richard J. Mullins, M.D. produced interviews with Arne Solberg, who worked as a machinist for M. Lowell Edwards, and Jeri Dobbs, a perfusionist who worked for Albert Starr. Rich Mullins was also interviewed on his research. Transcripts and recordings are preserved in Historical Collections & Archives in Collection No. 2014-015. Contact Historical Collections & Archives for copies of transcripts.
Dr. Albert Starr and other key figures in the development of the Starr-Edwards heart valve have also been interviewed for the OHSU Oral History Program. See the oral histories and biographies section of the Starr-Edwards artificial heart valve guide for details.