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OHSU History
Guide to resources on the history of Oregon Health & Science University and its predecessor institutions
Histories of schools, departments, and programs
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Medical education in Oregon
The development of medical education in the Pacific Northwest
Olaf Larsell, 1925. Contains a description of the Medical Department of Willamette University, founded in 1865, also a description of the University of Oregon Medical School, founded in 1887. They were united in 1913.
A Century of medical education in Oregon
Thema Wilson, 1967. Includes photographs of early buildings, people in the history of the University of Oregon Medical School.
History of Willamette University Medical School
John Merrill Ramage, 1936. Read before the University of Oregon Medical School Medical History Club.
The doctor in Oregon : a medical history
Olof Larsell, 1947.
University of Oregon Medical School : a history of the years 1904-1909
Charles Holman, 1987. Early chapters of an unpublished history of University of Oregon Medical School, never completed due to death of author.
School of Dentistry
Oregon Health Sciences University School of Dentistry 1899-1999. [Portland, Or.]: Oregon Health Sciences University, 1999.
Historical summary published for the school's centennial.
School of Medicine
Reflections on Yesterday: OHSU School of Medicine History
2004 OHSU publication on the history of the medical school.
School History
Timeline of major events in the history of the OHSU School of Medicine and its predecessor institutions, 1867-present.
University of Oregon. 75 Years of Educational Progress. Portland, Or: University of Oregon Medical School, 1962.
Analytical review and statistics of growth and development of University of Oregon Medical School.
Putting Marquam Hill on the Map: Early Campus Memories, 1915-1932
Archived web page for 2018 exhibit about the earliest years of the University of Oregon Medical School Marquam Hill campus
School of Nursing
Tradition: The History of the School
PDF of a summary of the history of the school
A History of the School: 1910-1996 (PDF)
PDF of Barbara C. Gaines' 200-page book on the history of the School of Nursing. Print copies also available in the library
Nursing-- the way we did it.
Departments and affiliated programs
Casey Eye Institute. History
Summary of the history of the Casey Eye Institute and the Department of Ophthalmology
Department of Dermatology. History
Historical summary and timeline of the Department of Dermatology
Oregon Health & Science University. OHSU Department of Dermatology: 1922-2010. Portland, Or: Oregon Health & Science University, 2011.
A visual and narrative history of the Department of Dermatology.
Riley, Katherine J. Public Health and Preventive Medicine Department, OHSU: History
Archival collection of Katie J. Riley, Ed.D., centering on the history of the Department of Public Health and Preventive Medicine
Southard, Patricia A. History of the Department of Surgery, 1867-2007. Portland, Or: Oregon Health & Science University, Dept. of Surgery, 2007.
This history of the Department of Surgery begins with the establishment of Willamette University's medical program in 1867.
Department of Radiation Medicine. History
Historical Summary of the Department of Ration Medicine
The history of the Dotter Interventional Institute : 1990-2005, Portland, Oregon
Historical account of the Dotter Interventional Institute by Jan Greene and Otha Linton
History of pediatric surgery at Oregon Health & Sciences University and Doernbecher Children's Hospital 1894-1998
1998 summary of pediatric surgery programs at OHSU and Doernbecher Hospital, written by pediatric surgeon Dr. John Campbell
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